Robotic Sleeve Storage

Automated storage system for sleeves, anilox and carriers

  • compact design
    compact design
  • customizable control
    customizable control
  • EC Norm compliant
    EC Norm compliant
  • mechanical resistance
    mechanical resistance

Innovative automated vertical storage system for flexo plate sleeves, carriers and anilox. Highly customizable it allows the quick, easy and safe handling of the complete park of products; the different products are stored in vertical position on shelfs and inserted in centering devices designed depending on sleeves dimensions (lengths, inner and outer diameter); the number of sleeves per shelf is related to the outer diameter. The pick and place system grants the delivery of the products in few minutes to the operator’s place with an easy and fast identification of the sleeves thanks to an operator friendly software interface; the number and design of the pick-and place systems is related to the number of stored products and the number of pieces requested to the operator’s place per minute that are defined with the purchase order The Robotic Sleeve Storage guarantees recovery of space used today and correct storage of sleeves, avoiding possible deformations (ovalisation) due to eventual storage for long periods in a horizontal position or damages due to accidental contacts or falls. The system is EC certified. The sales and technical network of Rossini are available to work with you for your taylor-made solution.

Optional accessories
- Closure system for sleeves protection from dust, UV rays, etc.
- Manual trolley with multiple positions (4-6-8) for sleeve movement from the storage system to the sleeves preparation zone
- Remote support
- Sleeves movement system from the loading/unloading station with the manual trolley