Rossini contributes to the welfare of children in Rescaldina (Milan), Italy

Rossini contributes to the welfare of children in Rescaldina (Milan), Italy

Rossini S.p.A. has always been pledged to contributing to the welfare of its local community...
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Rossini promotes culture with study bursaries offered in several countries around the world

Rossini promotes culture with study bursaries offered in several countries around the world

Culture and innovation are important values for Rossini S.p.A., which it deems to be the cornerstones for increasingly sustainable, global development.
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Associative commitment

Associative commitment

Rossini member of ACIMGA -- ATIF - GiFlex - Confindustria

From 1991 to 1995 Felice Rossini is the president of ACIMGA (Associazione Costruttori Macchine da Stampa); the same role has been confirmed once more between 2009 and 2013 upon direct request of the assembly of the association.
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Church of the Immacolata Concezione - L'Aquila

Church of the Immacolata Concezione - L'Aquila

Restoration interventions

Rossini L'Aquila has been one of the major sponsors to restore the Church that was heavily damaged by the earthquake of L'Aquila in 2009.
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FAI Golden Corporate Donor

FAI Golden Corporate Donor

Since 2015 Rossini work for the protection of artistic heritage

Committed for vocation to support the great and positive work of the FAI (see also : for more info)
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Restructuring intervention of the Chapel of St. Benedict

Restructuring intervention of the Chapel of St. Benedict

Rossini has sponsored the restoration needed to give a new life to the Chapel of St.Benedict located in the San Sempliciano Basilica (5th Century).
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